Example of: Champions engaged in cross sectoral leadership

Appointment of Primary Care Personalised Care Manager
Suffolk and North East Essex

The appointment of a Primary Care Personalised Care Programme Manager at Ipswich and East Suffolk Alliance joining the collaborative relationship with Suffolk Artlink and Suffolk County Council facilitated connections across local authority, VCSE and health partners.  This was made possible because of the ongoing partnership and development working between the three organisations.

These connections and the need to support Primary Care Networks (PCN) with high intensity users enabled a shift in focus of the Arts & Libraries Project, which is being funded through Suffolk Public Health, from secondary care, where pressures on the service challenged the development of the programme, to primary care.  This meets the needs of patients representing 5% but costing 51% of the PCN spend while enabling a preventive approach to personalised care.

This meets the needs of patients representing 5% but costing 51% of the PCN spend while enabling a preventive approach to personalised care.

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