Example of: Champions in strategic posts

Strategic Lead: Live Well and Creative Health, Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership (GM ICS)
Greater Manchester

The Strategic Lead for Creative Health across Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and Greater Manchester ICS combines this role with leadership of Live Well, a mayoral manifesto commitment and whole system approach to building on social prescribing to create a minimum offer for all residents with the aim of improving personal and community wellbeing, resilience, and social connection.

Culture and creativity has been identified as one of the six key pillars necessary for people in Greater Manchester (GM) to “Live Well” and the links between the Live Well commitment and Creative Health have advanced the case for a GM Creative Health Strategy with an equalities and population health focus.

This role sits between two GM teams: Public Service Reform at GMCA and Person Centred Approaches at the Partnership and this has enabled a Creative Health approach in GM that is rooted in place, takes a population health approach, is primarily concerned with health inequalities and is also integrated into clinical pathways such as young people’s mental health and dementia care.

Culture and creativity has been identified as one of the six key pillars necessary for people in Greater Manchester (GM) to “Live Well”

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