Example of: Creative Health and chronic respiratory disease

Various 'bitesize' examples

rb&hArts Singing for Breathing programme has been running since 2007 supporting inpatients and outpatients with COPD and other chronic respiratory conditions.  It led to the BLF-funded training programme for singing leaders to support lung health which led to a proliferation of expertise. It was the subject of two RCTs in 2010 and 2012 (Lord et al.) demonstrating significant impacts on self-perceived wellbeing.

Children and Young People’s Asthma Personalised Care Programme, Shropshire Telford and Wrekin.  Embedding non-clinical approaches to support children and young people with a diagnosis of asthma through Personalised Care Planning with the aim of reducing A&E attendances for those presenting with an exacerbation of Asthma.

Long Covid Clinic, Suffolk and North East Essex.  A 12-week pilot for patients of the Long Covid Assessment Clinic to artist led sessions of singing, creative writing, art, or movement to support general wellbeing, social isolation, and confidence to self-manage their symptoms.

Singing for Health Network  The network provides resources for healthcare professionals, practitioners and researchers, including guides for social prescribing to singing groups.

Singing for Better Breathing – Findings from the Lambeth and Southwark Singing and COPD Project This evaluation of the establishment of a network of community singing groups across London for people with COPD showed a reduction in symptoms, as well as improvements in psychological outcomes and overall wellbeing. 

Breathtaking Lungs VOCAL, a patient involvement charity associated with Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, used creative techniques to work with people with a range of respiratory conditions in a relatively deprived area of the city to open up discussion and discuss research priorities.  

English National Opera – Breathe long Covid Programme  Developed jointly by ENO and Imperial Collage Healthcare, this programme is specifically for people suffering with breathlessness and anxiety. People can be referred via a GP or long Covid clinic. It offers six weekly online sessions using singing techniques to control breathlessness.  Pilot results showed over 90% of participants felt that their breathing and anxiety had improved as a result of the sessions.

Asthma + Lung UK Singing for Lung Health provides information about singing for lung health and singing group provision.

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