Example of: Creative Health supporting Social Prescribing Link Workers

Cultural Prescriptions
Joined Up Care Derbyshire

During the pandemic lockdowns, Link Workers in Derbyshire and throughout the country were left wondering what social prescribing looked like in a time of social isolation.  Many Link Workers were given the task of contacting the GPs’ most shielded and vulnerable patients and supporting some very frightened and anxious people. This was all starting to take its toll on Link Workers so Arts Derbyshire set up a special Link Worker support programme called Cultural Prescriptions

In engaging with Cultural Prescriptions one Link Worker said ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’.  The project used the ‘artist ways of looking’ and the process of making to create space for important conversations to emerge and Link Workers to give each other peer to peer support.

In engaging with Cultural Prescriptions one Link Worker said ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’.  

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