Example of: Developing the Market Place

Getting to know social prescribing
Suffolk and North East Essex

‘Getting to know social prescribing’ market development workshops designed to inform and connect the cultural sector with social prescribing were developed to increase awareness, encourage interest and make connections as part of the recommissioning process for social prescribing.   These workshops were a collaboration between Ipswich & East Suffolk CCG, East Suffolk Council, NHS Norfolk & Waveney, and Connect for Health Advisors facilitated by the county council’s arts development manager in partnership with Suffolk Artlink.

"market development workshops designed to inform and connect the cultural sector with social prescribing"

A series of participatory online events were run covering key areas including personalised care, personal health budgets, evaluation and monitoring, personal health scores, access to community chests and case studies showing examples of good practice and how creative solutions have helped to improve health and wellbeing outcomes.

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