Example of: Disseminating evaluation outputs and learning to inform future iterations or wider spread of the approach

The HARP Approach

HARP - Health, Arts, Research, People was an innovation and research partnership between Arts Council of Wales, Nesta and Cardiff University’s ‘Y Lab’ exploring how to generate, grow and learn about creative innovations that support people’s health and wellbeing.

The HARP Approach tool was co-created with 13 arts and health innovation teams and based on practical observations informed by collected data and inspired by models including Nesta’s innovation spiral, People Powered Results innovation conditions wheel, and the Culture, Health and Wellbeing Alliance’s Thriving Practice Model.

" The HARP Approach defines at least four stages for innovation processes: ’Groundwork’, ‘Test’, ‘Invest’, and ‘Scale’."

The HARP Approach defines at least four stages for innovation processes: ’Groundwork’, ‘Test’, ‘Invest’, and ‘Scale’.  Each phase is explored in further detail online, with resources and tools made available for others to use.  The Scale Playbook provides tools on scaling approaches, embedding and scaling across a place, conditions for front-line innovation and to support reflective practice.

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