Example of: Disseminating evaluation outputs and learning to inform future iterations or wider spread of the approach

Melodies for Mums
South East London

Breathe Melodies for Mums was built on robust research by the Royal College of Music and Imperial College London.  The research investigated if and how group singing can support women with symptoms of postnatal depression (PND), including a randomised controlled trial with 134 mums experiencing symptoms of PND. Results showed participation can lead to recovery of postnatal depression in 73% of mothers who take part.

Breathe’s 2017 Lambeth-based Breathe Melodies for Mums programme translated this research into practice, using the same structure that was developed in the original research. Breathe Melodies for Mums has expanded across the UK and is now offered in six- and ten-week programmes, both in-person and online. 

"Results showed participation can lead to recovery of postnatal depression in 73% of mothers who take part."

Breathe Melodies for Mums is being delivered as part of a new research study: The Scaling-Up Health-Arts Programmes: Implementation and Effectiveness Research (SHAPER) study, involving 400 mothers and their babies.

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