Example of: Listening to and learning from communities

Culture Matson

Matson is a large housing estate in the suburbs of Gloucester City and is one of nine classed as most deprived.  Culture Matson brings together community leaders and interested community members with the same values and passions, to change things in their local community.  The project supported residents to become community project leaders, creating a culture shift and blurring the lines between professional and non-professional ‘resident/patient/ service user’ roles.  

Create Gloucestershire worked with six community members to facilitate planning and problem solving, share knowledge and develop a peer network amongst the different community leaders and residents with the ability to support one another. Small organisations were supported to collaborate and work together as small amounts of money were provided. 

"The project supported residents to become community project leaders, creating a culture shift and blurring the lines between professional and non-professional ‘resident/patient/ service user’ roles."

Culture Matson shared their experiences in response to the DCMS enquiry into cultural place making Reimagining where we live:  Cultural placemaking and the levelling up agenda.

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