Example of: Mapping the Market Place

Calderdale Culture Map
West Yorkshire

Linking to the recommendations in the Living a Larger Life Strategy, Artworks in Calderdale is developing a Culture Map by inviting people and organisations to upload details onto the live map they are creating. The map brings together information that has previously not existed in one place to enable users to see where cultural infrastructures and resources are located, learn about the type of work being made, for who and consider what and where cultural activity might be missing.

In its first ‘proof of concept’ phase, Artworks is looking to learn , how the map is used, in what way it supports the sector and how it can be developed further with and for the cultural sector, its audiences and beneficiaries.

In phase 2, it is planned to create a public facing culture map, with a directory listing and search bar. 

"The map brings together information that has previously not existed in one place..."

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