Example of: Mapping the marketplace

Partner up

An initiative of London Arts and Health, Partner up  is a searchable database of arts, cultural and creative freelancers and organisations across London.  The database is designed to help build creative partnerships in the city, helping those looking for partners to be able to search a person or organisation to work on social prescribing projects, joint funding bids, creative projects or to provide arts expertise.  

Those looking for partners can use one of a number of filters to find them, and can also search by location by viewing a map. London based organisations and freelancers can become a member and add themselves to the directory.

The London Partner Up model is being replicated for the North East of England, with access through the same web address: https://partnerup.org.uk/.


Those looking for partners can use one of a number of filters to find them, and can also search by location by viewing a map.

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