Example of: Purposeful data collection to inform delivery and demonstrate impact

Children and Young People’s Social Prescribing Pilot
Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

A ‘mixed methods’ approach to evaluation is also being taken in social prescribing pilots in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin. 

With a focus on personalised care the Children & Young Person’s Social Prescribing Link Worker co-produced  Personalised Care Plans with young people to ensure the impact of their experiences could be captured in addition to the standard wellbeing-measurement tools (MYCAW and UCL Loneliness Scale). 

As part of the Social Prescribing Provider Collaborative each provider is also capturing before during and after impact of the activities and interventions.  Bringing all this information together, the experiences tell a story through a young- persons lens while also articulating the impact for families and schools.

Bringing all this information together, the experiences tell a story through a young- persons lens while also articulating the impact for families and schools.

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