Example of: Purposeful data collection to inform delivery and demonstrate impact

Various resources

Gathering evidence and impact of Creative Health activities can be complex, with a wide range of methodologies and practices in use as different forms of evidence are persuasive to different audiences. There are several resources available providing guidance and support in the development of purposeful evaluation approaches.

Arts for Health and Wellbeing – An evaluation framework provides guidance on documenting and evaluating group-based arts for health and wellbeing activity using quantitative and qualitative methods, based on public health evaluation approaches.

Creative & Credible provides a ‘how to evaluate arts and health projects’ resource, designed to help arts and health organisations and practitioners: engage with evaluation creatively; improve practice; make well-informed spending decisions; and strengthen the evidence base around the benefits and impacts of arts and health projects.

Culture Health and Wellbeing Alliance provides links to evaluation resources for arts and health practitioners.

INNATE Framework  provides a framework and tools to identify the active ingredients and contexts of successful arts in health activities, with supplementary templates for evaluation planning. 

The Centre for Cultural Value has published collaboratively produced evaluation principles to share ideas to inform how evaluation is carried out and used in the cultural sector. 

The MARCH Network set out to transform understanding of how social, cultural and community assets enhance public mental health and wellbeing, help prevent mental illness, and support those living with mental health conditions.   The MARCH Legacy website enables a search for research and reports, downloadable resources created by the network and examples of how communities bring research to life in practice.

The book Arts in Health: Designing and Researching Interventions by Daisy Fancourt provides a complete overview of how to go about undertaking research and practice in the field of arts in health.

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