Example of: Using learning to improve practice

Torbay Culture Arts, Health and Wellbeing Pilot Programme

Exploration of a Torbay focus on arts on referral followed cross sector interest as a result of Arts Council England’s Locality Cultural Commissioning Project and a group of partners was formed to scope a test and learn project drawing on arts practitioners and organisations who had expressed an interest in being involved.

An evaluation framework was developed and agreed by all the partners at the outset, using a mixed methods approach, standardised measures and a range of qualitative measures.

Whilst measuring the impact of the programme on the health and wellbeing of participants, the evaluation framework took a much broader approach to learning.  Benefits to stakeholders was a key strand within the framework, to understand the worth and value of arts based interventions to clinicians, commissioners and arts practitioners as well as participants, in order to maximise opportunities for transformation or redesign of services. 

Benefits to stakeholders was a key strand within the framework, to understand the worth and value of arts based interventions to clinicians, commissioners and arts practitioners as well as participants, in order to maximise opportunities for transformation or redesign of services. 

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