Circles 2

Creative Health development checklists

Agreeing partnership roles checklist

  1. Is the partnership an equal consortium or is there a lead partner?
  2. What resources and skills is each partner bringing to bear?
  3. Is the partnership entering into any fundraising together? If so, which partner will manage funds?
  4. Is there a named contact from each partner to stay connected to the programme over time?
  5. Will partners develop a steering group, working group or reference group to steer the initiative, and if so, who is on it and how often will it meet? Are there one or more people with lived experience involved?
  6. Can someone within the partnership provide project management expertise, supervision to the providers or contact to people with lived experience or patient representative groups?
  7. Have you got a Memorandum of Understanding in place setting out the roles and commitments to the initiative and on what timescale?

Agreeing scope and framework checklist

  1. Will all partners contribute to development of a co-produced framework that sets out goals, purpose, outcomes and outputs?
  2. Does the framework include reference to what the partners hope to learn and how that learning will be captured?
  3. Has there been an opportunity for people with lived experience to contribute to plans?
  4. Have plans been discussed with the procurement team and any comments taken on board?
  5. Is the framework articulated in a written document, for example a logic model or Theory of Change?
  6. Have your plans been informed by examples of Creative Health approaches that have been successful elsewhere?
  7. What will be the timeframe? If it is a time limited project, have you built in the opportunity to share learning in order to influence any future initiatives?

Supporting referral processes checklist

  1. Who do you want to reach?
  2. Have you asked for the views of people with lived experience or participant representatives and been able to act on their input?
  3. What will be the criteria for referral? Have you considered if there should be exclusion criteria as well as inclusion criteria?
  4. Who will collect referrals and what do you need to know?
  5. Can you provide any concise written information for Link Workers, GPs, VCSE organisations to let them know about the expected outcomes of participation and what the experience will be like for a participant? Can you speak with them?
  6. Are any posters or advertising you provide appropriate for your target group? Can they see themselves represented in images?
  7. Have you a helpline to answer questions?
  8. Do you have any community champions to help you spread the word?