Steve Tanner © Rights Penpol Primary School, Penpol Painting and Shock, Arts Lab Project (FEAST)

Digital Technology

Maximising the potential of Creative Health with regard to digital systems, digital inclusion and innovation.

Digital Systems & Governance

Delivering digital solutions to support patients and improve outcomes is a focus of health and social care organisations across the country.

Creative Health needs to stay in step with this drive for digital transformation. New apps, websites and services are being created that help people manage their health and wellbeing and paper files are being replaced by connected systems that give access to the information needed for good care quickly and securely.

There are opportunities for Creative Health activities to become more visible via digital directories and for better and longer-term tracking of Creative Health outcomes. There is a challenge in supporting the workforce to access IT systems and understanding how to use them. 

Develop and maintain digital Creative Health directories available online for increased visibility of what’s on offer.

Create the ability for people to digitally self-refer to Creative Health activities and for Link Workers to make digital referrals.

Record engagement and outcomes data digitally with agreement between partners as to what is being recorded and for what purpose.

Agree principles of good practice for data sharing between all Creative Health partners.

Digital Inclusion & Innovation

In parallel to the NHS drive for digital transformation the creative sector’s big funders are also prioritising digital development to find new ways to address disadvantage.

The challenge of meeting people face-to-face during the Covid-19 pandemic triggered innovation in the use of digital technology and some saw engagement increase amongst people who found physically attending sessions challenging before the pandemic.  

Someone’s ability to use a service could be affected by their location, their health and the equipment they have access to however, so when offering an online service this should be accessible to everyone. 

Support increase of access through development of digital Creative Health offers.

Encourage innovative application of available technology in Creative Health commissioning.

Consider barriers to digital inclusion, such as participant access to IT equipment or broadband and provide simple platforms for access with support and guidance on how to use them.

Illustrative Examples

Digital Systems & Governance

Example of: Examples of data sharing between partners

Social Prescribing Healthy Lives Shropshire

Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin

Digital Inclusion & Innovation

Example of: Digital Inclusion

Devon Recovery Learning Community (DRLC)


Digital Inclusion & Innovation

Example of:  Digital innovation

Noise Solution

Suffolk and North East Essex